Login to the computer

The user logs in the local computer automatically on AVAST32 program start. Parameters of automatic login can be set on "login" page in the program options.

If you want to log in another computer with running executable core of Avast32 which is accessible over network, choose the computer from the list of accessible computers on the "Tasks" page in Enhanced User Interface, right-click on the computer name and choose "Login" from the menu shown. Login dialog will appear.

Login dialog

Insert the user name in the "Enter user name" text box.

Insert the correct user password in the " Enter password" text box.

If the user belongs to some group, it is necessary to choose the correct group in the "Choose group" combo box.

If you are satisfied with the information inserted, click "OK" button or press Enter. Report of the login will appear.

Login in progress

If the user has appropriate rights and entered information was entered correctly, the remote computerĀ“s login will be enabled.

If the information was entered incorrectly or the user does not have the access rights to the remote computer the remote computerĀ“s login will be denied and Report will appear.

Access denied